Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tonnies interview with Ruth (Miss Kenya 2007)

Hats Off…

Here Comes The Queen!

Ruth owes it all to Determination, Confidence, Diligence, Intelligence and Humility; Five traits that saw her walk home with the coveted Miss Kenya Crown. Our take is her Beauty, Brains and refined persona carried the day. She speaks to Anthony Nabiliki on her crown, life in the limelight and her favourite things in life.

How does it feel holding the coveted Miss World Kenya crown?
It feels good because I know I am privileged to hold this title. It’s humbling to know that now so many people look up to me as a role model.

Take us back to the night of the pageant, when your name is announced as winner, what emotions went through your mind?
I remember I was back stage with the rest of the contestants, everyone was very anxious to hear who would actually win the title. I was very nervous and I remember at one point before the Mc declared who the winner was, I took some time to say a prayer and compose myself.

How has the reign been so far?
The reign so far has been very enlightening to say the least. I’ve learnt so much during the few months that I’ve held the coveted Ms Kenya title. It’s also been very challenging. Very many people think that being a Ms Kenya is a ‘walk in the park’ but its not. It’s a lot of hard work. I’m constantly thinking of various projects that I can initiate so as to give back to society, thinking about where to source for funds. I have to constantly be aware of my appearances because as a public figure and a beauty queen I have to look good all the time.

What are some of the responsibilities you are charged with as Miss World Kenya?
As Miss World Kenya my responsibilities entail, as I mentioned earlier, initiating community development projects, being an advocate for peace especially in light of the recent happening in our country that have actually shown how important it is for us as a country to live in unity, being a role model for this generation.I also have the responsibility of representing Kenya in the Miss World event that will be held later on in the year in the Ukraine. Being involved in and supporting works of charity.

Do you think people expect too much from the crown holder?
People do expect a lot from the crown holder and many times their expectations are unrealistic. Don’t forget that one holds the title for only one year. Many people think this is a long time but its shorter than it seems considering that when one is crowned miss Kenya you are still very ‘green’ and need some time to get your head around the idea and ease yourself into that role. People also think that acquiring the Ms Kenya title also makes you an instant millionaire! This is not true because just like in every profession you have to start small and work your way up.

What are some of the challenges you face?
Holding the title, for me, is a full time job, and it can be overwhelming at times because many times I live life on first forward, attending events and meetings and making appearances at functions. It’s easy to loose yourself amidst all this so I make sure I have time to stop and take a deep breath and take account of what I’ve achieved so far. Constant inquisitions from people who want to know every detail about my life has also been a challenge. I’ve had to learn to take criticism gracefully. I don’t believe that the crown holder receives as much support as she needs in terms of management and sponsorships for the various works she would like to undertake. I think there is still a lot to be done in terms of publicizing the title and encouraging organizations to offer opportunities for the crown holder to work with them in different projects.

Please tell us more about your background (education, working experience, family)
I’m currently a student at USIU, pursuing a degree in International Business Administration (IBA), I also have a diploma in law, and I model. Before that I was in Loreto Msongari High School. I have 3 older siblings (2 brothers and one sister) who’ve all been supportive of me and who I totally love. I’d say I’m closest to my sister because we’ve been through a lot together and she’s encouraged me every step of the way, given me fashion tips and has been my confidant.

Can you name five qualities in you, which you think played an important part in grabbing the Miss Kenya title?
Determination & confidence it was my determination and confidence to win the title that kept me going even when things got tough, Diligence- because the event is a competition it was my diligence that set me apart from the other contestants. Intelligence, it required a lot of intelligence to answer accurately and satisfactorily all the questions asked during the question and answer round. Humility also played a major role.

How do keep in shape & beautiful? Share with us some of your formulas for a healthy and beautiful lifestyle.
I work out; I make sure I go to the gym at least three times a week. I avoid junk food as much as possible but I indulge once in a while. I drink a lot of water and eat fruits and vegetables. It is important also to be in a positive environment where you are encouraged and not put down and regardless of what happens it is important to remain optimistic and not loose your joy. And as they say laughter is sometimes the best medicine.

What does "Success" mean to you?
I believe that God has a plan and purpose for every person’s life and the discovery of that purpose and the actual fulfilment of it is my idea of success. To know what God created you to do and doing it. To me Success means living up to your full potential in every area of your life, Be it in your spiritual life, family life, relationships, business etc. Success is touching and changing people’s lives for the better and leaving behind a legacy by which you will always be remembered.

For other girls teeming with excitement to join the world of pageantry, what are the important preparations that they should do in order to excel?
I would advice them to always get advice or guidance from someone who has been there before, because chances are that they know more than the girls do. I’d advice them to build up on their confidence because that is a major determinant in pageants. Furthermore, I’d also advice them to acquire public speaking skills because pageant winners more often than not are required to address live audiences. Finally, I’d advice them to think of how best they can give back to society as pageant winners.

Do you have any people who have had a significant influence in your life?
Yes I do, my family especially my mum who has been there for me, she’s encouraged me, kept me in her prayers, taught me never to quit and taught me the value of patience and perseverance. My brothers and sister who have supported and encouraged me. My pastors, pastors Allan and Kathy kiuna who’ve played a major role in teaching me the value of character and integrity and have encouraging me to pursue my dream, and my friends, off course I cant name all of them but they have been influential in my life.

Tell us about your love life, is there any lucky guy who’s currently going out with Miss Kenya?
No, I’m not seeing anyone.

What does love mean to you?
To me love means acceptance- accepting someone in their entirety, appreciating and valuing a person not for what they have but for who they are, wanting the best for someone and urging them on to succeed. More than anything else Love is kind, its patient and it endures, it’s generous and humble.

What would you love to see changed or urgently addressed in our Kenyan society?
What I would want to see change and urgently addressed in our Kenyan society is our mind-set. We as a people have to come to a place where ethnicity or political affiliation is not the criteria in which we use to judge our fellow Kenyans. We as Kenyans have to understand that our cultural diversity is our uniqueness and strength and not our down fall. A lot of the distraction caused in our country over the last few months has been because people have been very short-sighted, they did not think about the effects that their actions of destruction will have on their tomorrow much less on the future of their children. I believe we must now teach the upcoming generation on the importance of unity and brotherhood, that therein lies our strength as a people and as a country.

Do you sometimes get scared of life in the limelight?
Oh yeah, because in the lime light your life is constantly under scrutiny. You do not have the luxury of making mistakes and learning from them privately because somehow everyone will find out. For me being in the lime light has caused me to attain higher levels of maturity because I’m now a role model to so many young girls and I must constantly bear that in mind.

During one of those times when you feel like letting loose and having a great time, what do you indulge in?
I love kicking back and hanging out with friends, I love going to the movies, playing pool and going for retreats , writing, listening to music and reading books- I’m currently reading ‘YOUR BEST LIFE NOW’ by Joel Osteen.

What should Kenyans expect from the reigning Miss World Kenya?
Kenyans should expect a Ms Kenya who will work towards improving society through community development projects, they should expect a suitable role model for this generation because that is what I aspire to be and they should expect someone who will definitely market Kenya in the international arena.

Ruth on Dating

5 Things you look for in a date
Great Personality, Wise, Sense of Humour, Sense of Style, Height and Good Looks.

How would you know if your date is a creep or for keeps?
Before you go out with someone on a date, you will have some idea of whom he is i.e. whether he is honest, trustworthy etc. if he’s a creep before the date, chances are that he’ll be a creep after the date.

Weirdest place to meet someone:
Weirdest place to meet someone would be in the bathroom hallway of a restaurant!!!!!

Would you kiss on the first date?
Definitely not!!

What should you not eat on a date?
On a date, you should not eat anything that would be messy e.g. chicken wings, lobster or a burger unless you can use a fork and knife. If you have to eat pizza on a date, then use a fork and knife because pizzas can get messy and can stain your clothes. On a date stick to ordering food that you are familiar with, don’t order something so out of the usual, that you end up not enjoying it. E.g. if you usually don’t eat hot or spicy food, don’t try to on a date!!!!

Ruth on Lifestyle

Best Movie
Troy, and In the pursuit of Happiness

Best Song
More to life by Stacy Orrico, and Written on my Heart by Plus One.

Best TV Program
The Apprentice

Most Favorite Actor
Bruce Willis.

Most Favorite Food

Most Favorite Day of the Week, Why?
Saturdays, because sometimes my week gets so busy but on Saturday (not all of them coz sometimes I have events to attend on Saturdays) I can kick back, relax and have some time to myself.

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